The Anti-Democratic Origins Of Capitalism

The Anti-Democratic Origins Of Capitalism: The English Revolution (Liberalism Part II)

 by regensordo

What were the circumstances out of which modern Liberalism was born? What real world events and interests influenced John Locke in writing his founding Liberal document The Second Treatise on Governement, with its rallying cry of “Sanctity of Property”.

The Anti-Democratic Origins Of Capitalism: Liberalism, Part I

 by regensordo

The Liberal tradition is the heart of Western society. It is the foundation of the freest societies on Earth. “Rights”, individuality, voting, “privacy”, and political — that is — social “self-determination” have been the basis of modern freedom unmatched anywhere in the world or at any time in history. That is Liberalism for the lower orders. And it is all true.

The Anti-Democratic Origins Of Capitalism: Colonial Virginia

 by regensordo

Racism and identity politics is one of the most fundamental and effective tactics of divide and conquer in the world since the beginning, and particularly the United States. As the American empire dies down, lower order divisions will be amped up. How did it all begin?

The Anti-Democratic Origins Of Capitalism: Enclosure

 by regensordo

The commons had been an effective way communities managed land among themselves. It had proven to be an effective means of social relations for centuries, but it was entirely incompatible with the new form of profit and private property emanating from an new emergent ruling class.

The Anti-Democratic Origins Of Capitalism: The Tragedy Of The Commons II

 by regensordo

In his famous article, “Tragedy Of The Commons”, Professor  Garrett Hardin said Adam Smith’s economic “invisible hand” — letting economic actors play  without interference — led to a “dominant tendency of thought” that warps rational thinking. 

The Anti-Democratic Origins Of Capitalism: The Tragedy Of The Commons I

 by regensordo

One of the greatest embarrassments of free market thought, among the many, is an essay called the Tragedy Of The Commons written in 1968 by professor of biology Garrett Hardin. It demonstrates the difficulties capitalists ideologues have with their ideology’s anti-democratic nature and origins.

The Anti-Democratic Origins of Capitalism: The Transition

 by regensordo

The origins of capitalism are not democratic. Capitalism was not created in a community meeting of equal members. They did not gather in the public square to ask how best to provide for the well being of the individual and society. Capitalism was not founded on brotherly love or out of compassion for the sick and poor. Its development was not concerned with what happens to you if you lose your job, or what happens to nature in the event of deliberate toxic dumping. The “innovators” of this system were not interested in a fair shake for everyone. They were not interested in job creation, or God. Their aim was to accumulate wealth and power. And this way they loved God, for He approved of these things. God always approves of ruling class actions.