NIH and Vaccine Manufacturers’ Clinical Trials Short on Safety Testing, Long on Financial Interest and Legal Immunity


Del Bigtree’s Legal Group Files Emergency Petitions to Halt Trials Unless All Adverse Reactions Are Tracked

MSM-producer-turned-alt-media-producer and “safe vaccine” advocate Del Bigtree’s legal action organization, the Informed Consent Action Network, or ICAN, has filed petitions calling for an emergency “stay” on the clinical trials of the following COVID vaccines:

  • US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Moderna’s mRNA-1273 vaccine, which was developed by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), which is part of the NIH;
  • Pfizer and BioNTech’s BNT162b vaccine;
  • AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford’s vaccine, ChAdox1 nCoV-19.

ICAN argues that these trials are “rigged”, since they aim to study “adverse events” or reactions for only 28 days or 1 month, while “efficiency” measures will be tracked for two years.

NIH and Moderna, which has never product any medical product before, ever, will not track “serious adverse events” occurring beyond 28 days after two injections, and will only do so if a trial participant has withdrawn from the trial, which they are not likely to do. Pfizer/BioNTech and AstraZeneca/University of Oxford will track “adverse” events” for 1 month and “serious adverse events” for six months after each dose.

ICAN has stated in its recent legal updates:

“[T]he only reason to not track safety for this same duration [of two years] is to avoid detecting any safety issues that would prevent licensure.”

According to FDA guidelines, says ICAN, “serious” events may not include: “alopecia, autoimmune disease, lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, Bell’s Palsy, hypotonia, migraine, myelitis, neuropathy, seizures, mental disorders, rhinitis, and vertigo.”

Certainly, this is what Bill Gates understood when he said that the FDA represented the “gold standard” in vaccine regulation.

ICAN argues that it is “unethical not to capture that reaction just because an autoimmune issue falls into the artificially defined zone of being an ‘adverse event’ or ‘non-serious adverse event,’ rather than what the FDA has decided to label a ‘serious adverse event’.”

In addition, AstraZeneca’s trial, which is not in the U.S. but will be soon, uses another vaccine as a control, rather than an inert substance that would be a true placebo.

Nonetheless, NIH director Francis Collins stated in an interview with DC rag, The Hill, on August 14: “I think there is reason to be cautiously optimistic that by the end of 2020 we will have at least one and maybe more than one vaccine that has been judged by rigorous standards to be safe and effective”.

Collins further indicated that the vaccine “studies” would be overseen by “data safety monitoring boards”, as described by the Hill, that “will have the authority to stop a trial if safety issues emerge or serious side effects show up.”

But as noted, according to ICAN, that depends on what is being counted as a “serious side effect”. If serious reactions are not considered safety issues, then the “data safety”, not “human safety” monitoring boards are meaningless. And, according to the Hill, “they can also accelerate the timeline if early data shows substantial evidence that a vaccine is working well.”

Collins further attempted to reassure a public wary of the “Operation Warp Speed” label by calling the scientific protocols now contested by ICAN as unethical and unsafe as “most rigorous” and “high, high standards.”

Paul Mango, of NIH and NIAID’s “parent” agency, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) told reporters also on August 14: “We are not at all reducing the regulatory rigor with which we will evaluate and hopefully approve vaccines.”

(Mango, interestingly, spent most of his career at McKinsey & Company, the legendary corporate ‘consulting firm’ that created corporate “downsizing” in the 1970s. The Atlantic wrote about this in February 2020: “How McKinsey Destroyed the Middle Class”.

McKinsey has “consulted for” multiple local and national governments, including New York State, the Chinese and Saudi governments, and most recently produced incorrect data and models for New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo in April during New York’s alleged COVID surge. The firm also crafted Florida’s Miami-Dade county’s much-criticized reopening guidelines. It’s clearly a deep state/statecorps outfit worth further investigation.)

NIH Officials Stand to Earn Millions from Vaccine Patents

An earlier ICAN legal update from last week also detailed the financial interests of the NIH team involved in the mRNA-1273 vaccine. According to the press release:

“Each inventor stands to receive a personal payment of up to $150k annually from the sales of mRNA-1273. NIAID also stands to earn millions of dollars in revenue from the sale of mRNA-1273 in addition to what its inventors within NIAID earn personally.”

There are two patents for which the following six individuals in NIAID are listed as inventors which relate to development of mRNA-1273, according to NIH’s own reports:  

  • Barney Graham, Deputy Director, NIAID Vaccine Research Center
  • Kizzmekia Shanta Corbett, Scientific Lead, NIAID’s Coronavirus Vaccine Program
  • Michael Gordon Joyce, NIAID
  • Hadi Yassine, NIAID
  • Masaru Kanekiyo, NIAID
  • Olubukola Abiona, NIAID

ICAN’s team further notes: “[T]hese individuals within Dr. Fauci’s NIAID, and their heirs, will each potentially earn millions of dollars personally from sales of mRNA-1273 over the next twenty years. NIAID also stands to earn millions annually from the sale of this vaccine.”

This comes despite NIH director Francis Collins’ public statement to the contrary earlier this year that the agency would not be profiting from the vaccine, presumably because it will be offered by the government free on demand.

Indeed, vaccine manufacturers made public statements to the U.S. Congress in July that they would not be profiting off of the vaccines. But Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla then made statements to private finance audiences to the contrary. From a July Politico report:

“Bourla told a Goldman Sachs conference in June that the vaccine would be priced in line with shots on the market for other conditions. Later that month, he said at a Milken Institute event that it would be manufactured and produced on a for-profit basis.”

In a July 30 industry report, financial analysts calculated that Pfizer could make a “decent” profit margin on the COVID vaccine — of 60% to 80%. Barron’s analysts separately calculated that according to Pfizer’s $1.95 billion “supply deal” with the U.S. government, “1.3 billion doses priced at $19.50 each would translate to a whopping $13 billion in sales for Pfizer, after the BioNTech split… That’s about as much as Pfizer’s best-selling cholesterol drug Lipitor hauled in at its peak.”

And, Pfizer execs expect to make the COVID vaccine “seasonal” after its ‘pandemic phase’, like the flu. The question is: How do they already know COVID is a seasonal virus? All other such alleged pandemic viruses simply died out over time.

An unconfirmed report referenced in the July 30 industry article also revealed that Moderna will likely price its vaccine at $50 to $60 per two-dose treatment. Moderna received $483 million in federal government funding for the vaccine from the U.S. agency, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, or BARDA.

Notably, the man selected by the Trump administration to be the chief scientist for the national “vaccine development project”, Operation Warp Speed, is the former head of vaccine development at GlaxoSmith Kline, Moncef Slaoui. Slaoui recently left his position as a Moderna board member and still holds 150,000 stock options in Moderna.

US Government’s Conflict of Interest Compounded with Grants of Immunity

It may not surprise many to learn that NIAID used taxpayer dollars to “sponsor, assume responsibility for, and perform the first clinical trial of [the NIH/Moderna] vaccine”, according to ICAN. 

NIAID’s parent department, HHS, spent $483 million to accelerate development of mRNA-1273, “to enable large-scale production in 2020”, and the U.S. federal government itself has already committed $1.5 billion for 100 million doses.

As Politico reported in July, the U.S. government has invested nearly $4 billion in six vaccines through BARDA, and more recently via Operation Warp Speed, the government “initiative” set up to manage the “race for treatments and vaccines”. The US government’s goal is to deliver 300 million vaccine doses to the U.S. by January 2021.

And, HHS has granted those developing and selling experimental vaccines, including NIAID and Moderna, “broad immunity from liability for injuries” caused by it.

So, one can see why NIAID and vaccine manufacturers aren’t investing too much effort into tracking vaccine safety in their clinical trials. They don’t need to. Their investments and profits are already guaranteed by government purchases, government-granted immunity and a guaranteed captive market, all under cover of a humanitarian cause that is anything but.

To find out more about “Operation Warp Speed” experimental vaccine development, follow ICAN’s legal actions at

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