Links 10/10/18

From Project Veritas to the Tea Party San Francisco Jewish Federation Also Funding Far-right Fringe Groups, Not Just Canary Mission

That title says it all. The SF Jewish Federation is part of the Jewish Federations of North America, a massive “charitable” organization that funds all sides of divide and conquer. They give to “anti-Muslim” groups. Canary Mission is a project  blacklisting young Jews from Israel and even employment for supporting Palestinian rights.

A quick search for Jewish Federations reveals this:

Special Report: What the Jewish Federations Do With Your Money

Written just about a year ago. “Research by Haaretz into Jewish charity in North America has found a powerful but opaque machine that turns over billions, but can be vague as to how the money is used, for instance on salaries, and supporting the settlements in Israel.” Article never really gets into what else they fund, but gives a good scope of the org’s reach and power.

Is Sweden Ungovernable?

Perhaps we see some of the work of the Jewish Fed here? Geert Wilders, “far right leader” of the Netherlands, was part of their work. This article deals with the purportedly ungovernable states of Europe, all due the alleged “rise of right wing extremism”.

Was the 2016 election rigged for Trump?

An in depth look at the rigged election focusing on various machinations. They never really pursue the case of Bernie Sanders, but well worth the listen. With Mark Crispin Miller, Jonathan Simon and Robert Fitrakis.

Workers and retirees rally against French government’s austerity policies

This is what the French sucker class ran to when they voted against Marine Le Pen. They ran into the arms of a Rothschild banker.

Brazil: Neoliberalism with a “Human Face”

Video: The Pentagon’s Insect Army

Financial Accounts May Be “Modified” to Shield Classified Programs

White Male Victimization Anxiety

Classic political distraction by the NY Times. The fact that Kavanaugh is one of the most ruling class friendly judges ever, and utterly horrible from a lower order perspective can not be an issue because the Liberals support the same positions.

The Establishment Admits to a Second Financial Crisis




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