Sign of the $ : Potentia, Opulentia, et Exsecutivus Supremus

Sign of the dollar

At the beginning of every meeting of the RCPS we make the Sign of the $ to remind us of our unique and privileged position in the cosmos. We are reminded of our mission to protect and preserve the Supreme Executive who makes it all possible. We make the sign whenever we utter the name of the SE or give thanks for what we have.

How to make the Sign of the $:

With only the middle and index fingers of the right hand extended and together, representing the unity of the SE and the ruling class individual, point to (1) the forehead, and then (2) the chest. Then (3) beginning on the left side, at around cheek level but outside the face draw an “s” to end (4) just above the right chest muscle. To ensure the “s” shape give a nice curving loop in line with the forehead/chest axis (3a and 4a). After much practice, perform the Sign with eyes closed and repeat at each stage of the $ these latin words: (1) potentia, (2) opulentia, (3 to 4) et Exsecutivus Supremus. Translation: power, wealth and the Supreme Executive.

One Comment

  • Most of us in a certain resistance group don’t want cash. Haven’t since J.F.K. This site is going to be fun!


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