Stop the Unconstitutional, Illegal TRACE Act (HR 6666)

Update: This letter is no longer available and was terminated involuntarily, along with the account that created it, last night by Action Network, due to alleged violations of the service’s terms. We will try to resubmit this letter through another service and repost. However, you can cut and paste this directly to your Congressmember. You can also let Action Network know what you think of their censorship at See screen below:

This open letter to Congress is currently posted here. We encourage all to email Congress and share widely. (You can also write your own letter and/or edit per your inclination.)

This proposed act will allocate endless amounts of money, starting at $100 billion for 2020 alone, on contact tracing and other unspecified “medical surveillance”. This is the gauntlet. Congress needs to hear from the people.


“When human laws contradict or discountenance the means which are necessary to preserve the essential rights of any society, they defeat the proper end of all laws, and so become null and void.— Alexander Hamilton

House proposal HR 6666, “The TRACE Act,” “To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes” violates the very idea of a civil society. It is a stunningly illegal power grab beyond what the Constitution offers the Congress, and an outright assault on the people to be deplored by all. And, it is also a massive waste of $100 billion – allocated for 2020 alone.

HR 6666 violates inalienable rights to one’s person, home and property, to one’s life, freedoms, privacy and security. It is a violation of the Fourth Amendment, as well as the First, Fifth, Eighth and Ninth Amendments of the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment. It is an illegal act of forced medical treatment upon We the People and an invasion into our local communities.  

Further, the TRACE Act grants the DHHS head such broad authority as to empower any “entity” he desires to hunt down people with no reasonable suspicion of threat to public health, as COVID is not proven to be an existent extraordinary or deadly disease. The CDC has admitted it counts other diseases as COVID cases and has massively overestimated and overstated the severity of the crisis to the point of obvious fraud. This privately-funded agency, via the CDC Foundation, has a track record of such unhealthy, fear-mongering behavior.

HR 6666 also does not define what “related activities” are. Or what “other purposes” are.

Congressional proposal HR 6666 is unconstitutional, unacceptable and unlawful, and we demand that all representatives vote against this bill.

We do not consent to contact tracing, medical surveillance or forced medical intervention.

HR 6666 also violates international legal guarantees to which the US and all of its states are signatories and constitutionally mandated to protect and uphold.

Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes notes: “Our founders were intimately familiar with pandemics, viruses and plagues, yet they did not allow any to suspend our Constitutional liberties. Not one word in the Constitution about plagues or pandemics to exempt the government from any of our Bill of Rights.”

Neither does the US Code Section 42 override these guaranteed rights, including those of the states, which it attempts to do. Neither does the Commerce Clause allow any such violation of the rights of the people under the lie that Congress is regulating commerce between states. It is doing no such thing.

Congress’s commitment to the Constitution appears to be nonexistent. It persists in allowing house arrest and movement restrictions of the healthy under the guise of a quarantine for the sick, while continuing to propose and pass unconstitutional laws while the people cannot fully engage in the democratic process.

The House and HR 6666’s sponsors are in contempt of the people in proposing this legislation. Neither Congress nor DHHS is truly acting in the interest of public health.

Congress must not pass this law.

Please go to the Action Network to send a letter to your Congressmembers and share widely.


  • $100 billion is an insane amount of money and all of these grants are going to do no more than launder mney back into demonrat coffers for reelection campaigns. 100% unneeded. Almost 100% sponsored by demonrats except one republican RINO cosponsor for New Jersey.

  • You will meet resistance to your bill…. under the Constitution of the United States of America…. i will use my right to bear arms under the 2nd amendment rite. I will fight enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.

      • Actually, it doesn’t. Because they built in exceptions for public health–related disclosures. The HIPAA was passed during the Clinton period. Clinton Foundation is involved in contact tracing. See his video with Cuomo.

  • We don’t want it,an they are braking their oat,they all need prosacuted

  • This Bill is illegal and against the
    America people. Not to mention
    It is against our Constitution. There are people in our
    Congress, Senate and House that serve
    Themselves themself and not our
    America Citizens. They are enemies
    of our ,Nation, it’s people and our
    President. This Bill 6666 Trace Act
    Is illegal and against our people.
    This Bill 6666 Trace Act is from the
    Pit of Hell.

  • I stand against act hr 6666! We the people would like to remain a free country. This negates our freedom.

  • This may sound strange if one isn’t versed in The Bible. but it is obvious “they” already know nearly everything that we do and where we are. It would be interesting though to know how far down the knowledge of what exactly is going on is known. If this truly is what The Bible talks about then so be it. but it’s a shame that the ones that we voted in and put our trust in could knowingly allow a bill like this to pass.

    • This bill is sponsored by the majority of Democrats and one Republican from New Jersey. The Democrats and 1 Republican…

    • This is unconstitutional. This is NOT a part of the bill of rights and an infringement on my liberty! You took an oath in office to do right by those who elected you in office. Do your job and no more than that as you were appointed by we the people. Never forget that.

  • This Bill is illegal and against the
    America people. Not to mention
    It is against our Constitution. There are people in our
    Congress, Senate and House that serve
    Themselves themself and not our
    America Citizens. They are enemies
    of our ,Nation, it’s people and our
    President. This Bill 6666 Trace Act
    Is illegal and against our people.
    This Bill 6666 Trace Act is from the
    Pit of Hell.

  • Stop this now, this is ludicrous why are you letting this dictator run amok. It is obvious that politicians have forgotten God, but God has not forgotten you.

  • Y’all are all insane. They literally want to try and protect people by attempting to slow the spread. I assure you, the government doesn’t give a shit about tracking any of you.

  • I am appalled at the way our nation is using this covid-19 situation to take away our freedoms. The 9-11 tragedy brought more cameras and less autonomy of the American people. Now, a coronavirus, threatens are very own freedom to chose our healthcare and invades our right to privacy. When did big government become our Nanny? You must stop HR 6666 now!

  • Just another unconditional bite at the apple from the Dems. This is already happening in NJ and Pa.

  • Would love to know where each of the above-commenting Constitutional experts studied law. Or medicine. Virology? Public health? Epidemiology? Or reading. I seriously doubt any of you actually read the proposal itself.

    That said, since you’re all experts, please: let’s hear YOUR proposal for fighting the Covid-19 pandemic.

    My only objection to the proposal: it needed to be done in January or February. Look at how New Zealand handled Covid. They have it completely under control. Gee, folks: do you wonder for a nanosecond how they did that? (Hint: tracing contacts and quarantining).

    • At this point informed individuals should have a decent understanding to make an informed decision. Viruses don’t exist, but if you BELIEVE IN them, then covid is nothing to destroy society over. Educate yourself.

      You oppose this letter because it wasn’t proposed earlier?

      However, the Constitution is not annulled for any reason, especially without debate.

    • Michael Paul Goldenberg – I am from NZ and the virus and information regarding the virus has been mis-managed and intentionally manipulated. It is about control and mandatory vaccination, it is not about a virus. Don’t speak regarding NZ on my behalf.

  • These monsters are after total control of the people, whom they see as herd animals. So many have been fooled by this phony pandemic and, knowing only pop science, naively accept procedures which not only fail to prevent infection- and, BTW, covid should be allowed to spread in the healthy portion of the population in order to create genuine herd immunity- but, in addition create conditions which are counterproductive to good health, such as these idiotic masks, not being allowed on the beach, etc. The ruling class is undergoing a crisis of historic proportions and attempting to reset the economy to its advantage. This is worldwide, even though each individual country many have it’s own reasons for following the agenda. They want to adopt the Billzebub Gates plan of mandatory vaccination of the entire population of ~7 billion, soon to be reduced to >5 billion, & to become victims of lifespan shortening and/or sterility. The chips in the vaccines will accomplish what HR 6666 attempts to do without having to rely on human labor.


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