The Pimp and the Whore

Sometimes-bronze-sometimes-blonde-sometimes-oranged-headed president Trump gave his State of the Union. It was a speech replete with hubris, warmongering, the traditional brain-dead applause, with the added near-fascistic wrinkle of chants of USA! USA! But the real news occurred several days ago when Trump attended The World Economic Forum — Our once low-key gathering of the global ruling classes in Davos, Switzerland. And yet it really isn’t news at all.

Trump declared, before the crowd of fellow profit junkies,  “America is open for business and we are competing once again.” He might as well have said, “the whore’s legs are wide open for business. The American pimp wants your money.”

Of course in this formulation you are the whore — the great Sucker Class of the masses. But Trump is not the pimp. Like the others, he is a tool for the real pimp — the ruling class.

The individual as whore is not allowed to create their own businesses without great economic anxiety and sacrifice, nor are they allowed to decide for themselves how to run their communities. As a society, the whore has no autonomy over their own body. Trump, et al., hold society down so billionaires and foreign entities can inject their “investments” into it, and from which they can all expect to reap great satisfaction.

It would not be surprising if Liberals and Conservatives found this an insulting and insensitive description of themselves, but then they are used to this treatment. Nor do We think it an insensitive use of words. In Our view it is true. We do not use words lightly. The lower orders are made for use and abuse, like a whore. And it is Our duty as the ruling class to make sure it happens. It is the duty of the masses to fight back.

Some readers may be taken aback at the apparent insensitivity toward the unfortunate women (and men) who suffer the fate of a being whores. It is not Our intention to trivialize the plight of these unfortunate sacrifices to the higher orders. The difference between the sex slave and the whore masses is in who feels the pain. In regards the latter, the pain is not felt by the more privileged of society directly, but by the society as a whole. In particular, like the unfortunate individual whore, the pain of ruling class domination is directly felt by the poor. The pain of the privileged masses can be put off. It will come them or their children in due time if they do not wake up.

The prostitution of communities by their very leaders is nothing new. Inquiring minds can easily find examples of politicians whoring off their communities to attract high profile companies. Think stadium boondoggle. Amazon is the latest company to inspire a race to the bottom. The work standards they promise to bring any area ought be enough to scare away most self-respecting communities (how many cities can afford self-respect today?). Throw into that mix the fact that they pay on average 15% less than in many major metro areas, and one wonders how the masses can be such gluttons for punishment.

And it only gets worse. Like Trump, regional leaders encourage the economic rape of their communities on behalf of companies like Amazon. As documented by CityLab, many cities have submitted ghastly proposals, in a desperate attempt to lure the tech giant, hoping Amazon will bring the aforementioned conditions to a town near them. Though the field of candidates has been whittled down, it is worthwhile to consider what some localities have offered Amazon, which they surely don’t need. Perhaps they offer a glimpse of what the unchallenged future might look like:

Chicago promised to return to the behemoth “50-100%” of Amazon’s own employees’ state income tax back. This is a growing tactic of states called “paying taxes to the boss“.

In Georgia, the Stonecrest City Council voted 4-2 to essentially give Amazon 345 acres of land for their very own mini-city — almost double the 175 acres Amazon says they need. Welcome to Amazon City (the state of the future?)

Chula Vista, California, has a plan that would give Amazon “a plot of 85 acres worth $100 million, and plans to defer $300 million of property taxes on HQ2 [Amazon’s proposed Second Headquarters] over 30 years.”

Fresno wants Amazon to pay its taxes, but it would put it in a separate fund to be shared by Amazon and the city, “allowing Amazon to weigh in on city planning to an unprecedented degree. Only 15 percent of the money Amazon generates in taxes would be “unrestricted” for traditional city and county services. The remaining 85 would go towards designated city projects of Amazon’s choosing, announced and advertised with a shiny, ‘This project brought to you by Amazon,’ label.” (state of the future indeed!)

“America is open for business.”


  • Has not the US of A always been the whore of the creators of money and credit out of thin air, as it matters not gold or silver backs the fiat money as it is just that, a piece of paper by decree, made famous in the times of Ancient Sumer, that the priests and teachers (rabbis) offered the wealth of paper in exchange for their hard work? What is gold worth in that it has never stopped a monetary panic. It is just a metal with a nebulous value by those who like to surround themselves with pretty stones and shiny metals which has little us in industry but are the adornment of parasite whores like Trump to surround himself with. Did not the Sanhedrin require silver and gold, as well as blood sacrifice for their god, dog-sirius the dog star as the supreme council considers themselves children of the shining one, Halel also known as Lucifer who is the devil, a murderer from the beginning whose native tongue is to lie.

    We are all dead in the water, straw men to trade with like the card game it is of a house of cards. Business of being just a business to buy and sell the latest and most popular items made possible by the deceivers who use their holly wood sticks to pass spells on the unsuspecting but trusting multitude, also known as capitalism, pits brother against brother with the winner being the the slyest of all serpents in a sea of serpents who cannot tell the truth.

    Outside of religion which is little more than dogma and dead faith, the military is the biggest business on earth. Those who run the sham do it for their owners as these thrill killers (Nihilists they are called) do not protect and serve anyone but the learned elders of the supreme council of the creation of money and credit. It is with great sadness that so many have died so horribly and in vain for so few. Yet, those that wield the holly stick call the dead our heroes, as well as those that would prefer playing the part of the good cop, only to have many of them murder those that would have led the multitude out of the eternal loop and into true freedom where creator and creation are one in the same, where the word is eternal and not sold as a book to be read by deceivers that are more interested in a paycheck than the truth.

    How does four continents of great variety of life, pure water and clean air become a plundered, poisoned and perverted land and sky where animals, large and small continue to disappear? For PROFIT! of course. Maximize profit is a best business practice by is the creator of bad will for all life on earth. The eyes are blind and refuse to see when offered. America has served their ruling elite well, but it is time for it to get a complete re-creation in the image of the owner’s delight, one of despotism not seen since Caligula of Rome, or the Canaanite/Phoenician ritual of blood sacrifice which all lovers of money, wealth, greed and ignorance proclaim is to provide a sweet smell to their dog star god, their Ba’al (which means Lord), their Melech (or Moloch which means King).

    Now we know who owns this world and the people’s minds who are in it and of it, thinking everything is as it should be. Now let us go kill more Indians so that we may have more.

  • My “Like” on the post is as before, just an acknowledgement of having read and the fact that the author has presented the thinking of the Dark Side, something quite rare coming from the realm of the more secretive.

    With that out of the way, I had intended to make some attempt at a profound opinion, but then I read the comment just above by Mr. Reinhart and found myself completely humbled in comparison. It being about everything that I would want to say were I at all able, I have not the words but those are my thoughts.

    The only thing that I might add in direct response to the original post would be that “we the people” are not the “whores”, those are the visible authorities, of both secular political system as well as the religious leaders that both preach falsehood to their faithful followers long duped by the system to believe lies called truth by liars.

    We, the people, are but, in comparison, the innocent children of the earth whose parents (the so-called Leaders) have used and abused … we have no earthly salvation, we can only find that through our own Intuition, that being our natural and true connection to GOD, not to the God(s) and gods who are but Devils of the lowest order in comparative relationship. We can but either sell our souls to your Devil, the original Pimp that operates from the bottomless pit of Hell, or to stay resolute and strong in seeking the highest truth … which will in the end found to be LOVE.

    Truth is ALL and it’s opposite is just that, absolutely worthless. IMnsHO and E so far.

    • PS … Trump may well be as you claim, but the jury is still out, some relatively few of us that know a little more than most folks of what is going on would like to think that He is doing his best at “Draining the Swamp”, but he is being buffeted greatly by the Swamp Creatures and must compromise in order to achieve the noble goal. The Real Swamp Creatures had better soon realize that their swamp will not much longer offer them the relative protection that they have enjoyed heretofore.

      BTW, you would probably never consider, but you sure should, that the LOVE of GOD is also available to You, the only Salvation you will ever find otherwise. True Story.

      • He is doing exactly as told. He has done nothing and will do nothing for the masses.

    • The Dark Side is simply that side of each of Us which is turned away from the Light. Every human being has one; ruler, commoner or otherwise. But relative to the Light its power is fleeting, even collectively, for every Human being also has an enlightened side; commoner, ruler or not.
      But there is no compulsion in illumination. It is ultimately a matter of individual choice whether the light enhances one’s face or one’s posterior.
      Every human being is also an animal being. In this sense, both individually and collectively, the animal side is the dark side, and the Human side is the bright side.
      The Light has been slowly but increasingly dawning upon all of us Observers in the primordial swamps since the beginning of time, but Daylight will soon shine on Us.
      The only trouble is that the human “masses,” including ruling, commoner and any other classes, have historically been raised and educated to ignore and deny the Light of our true Spirits and to become swamp-whores and pimps, and we mostly spend our lives pimping and whoring for more, not knowing any better. But the masses have begun waking up, and waking each other up. Yet on the whole we still need to waken a lot more.
      Many intend to leave the swamp soon, but not just now. They haven’t yet finished provisioning themselves for the venture with swamp-muck.
      Others can see no way out other than finding a savior to drain the swamp. But don’t trust an alligator to do the job, no matter how different that reptile may appear to be from the swamp-things that have previously arisen.
      Better to just make yOur own way out of the swamp, and there’s no time like the present. In fact, there’s no time other than the present.

  • Why are you singling out the Trump SoU to make this observation? Everybody is a whore &/or a pimp under capitalism, either that, or, a slave. I commend your diligence in listening to the entire boring, & offensive speech. Trump wears make-up & dyes his hair, yet he is regarded as virile by his followers.

    • the SoU happened as we were coming out with this post. Thought We might acknowledge it.


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