Category: the Establishment

Unity at the Top, Division Down Below

In 1862, Charles Hazzard, an “agent” of London “capitalists”, sent a letter to New York “capitalists” associates. This explosive little document became publicly known as the Hazzard Circular in 1886, and was reprinted in The Little Statesman, “A Middle-of-the-Road Manual for American Voters” in 1895

Labels: The Doors of Perception

The label is a wondrous development in the evolution of the ruling class. It is a form of thought that takes away the need for actual thinking. The label, in fact, replaces thinking with its short comforting familiarity of definition tailored to sooth the insecure individual and justify their “thoughts” and “opinions”, while delivering the […]

The Alternate Reality of Michael Kazin vs. the Reality of the Ruling Class Establishment

Michael Kazin, professor of history at Georgetown University, recently wrote an essay for The Nation entitled We Know We Hate the Establishment—but Do We Know What It Is? The article’s tagline tells us, “The vague term obscures where power really lies.” Professor Kazin seems fixated on the idea that the Establishment undefined in precise terms […]