Category: Conservatives

Revisited: Divide and Conquer In The Age of Collapse

The RCO first published this post on February 13. With a few name changes, the statements on the “election” is more or less the same. Unfortunately it still highly relevant today. Are we actually headed for mass civil unrest or civil war with the election?

Liberals and Conservatives: Who’s Hip?

No matter how hip an individual thinks they are, even if they “see through the system”, they will never get anywhere as long as they allow themselves to be divided along lines that suits their ruling class. They need to find common cause that unites the masses against the masters. Being “awake” means nothing without solidarity among the masses, otherwise you’re not fully awake.

Pakman Does Socialism — Authoritarian Tendencies

Socialism continues to have a renaissance. Last year, liberal youtube talking head David Pakman did a series of videos on socialism. Pakman himself is a capitalist. He supports Social Democracy, and please do not mix that up Democratic socialism. The Preservation Society has pressed upon those who want to defend capitalism that they must honestly […]

Unity at the Top, Division Down Below

In 1862, Charles Hazzard, an “agent” of London “capitalists”, sent a letter to New York “capitalists” associates. This explosive little document became publicly known as the Hazzard Circular in 1886, and was reprinted in The Little Statesman, “A Middle-of-the-Road Manual for American Voters” in 1895

In the Time of Useful Idiots

The useful idiot is always welcome to the ruling class. In times of transition they are especially useful as the means by which the Great Institution achieves change in society. But useful as they are, they are, of course, idiots. And through their tragic and easily curable stupidity they could bring both masses and their […]

Exits and Elections

When people don’t have access to power, they don’t have power. The Preservation Society neglected to include this proposition in Ruling Class Axioms. In many ways this principle lies at the heart of ruling class society. Elections, whether for presidents or Brexit, are more or less founded on the idea that the rank-and-file are of […]

Religious Capitalists vs. Common Sense Capitalists

One of the goals of the Ruling Class Preservation Society is to change the way the masses (and the ruling class) think about capitalism. Hitherto, the Great Institution has bred its subjects to believe that capitalism is a positive good — good for them,  and good to them — and that its negative effects are […]

How Liberals and Conservatives Like Their “Democracy”

How do Liberals and Conservatives — our precious Democrat and Republican loyalists — like their “Democracy”? Pretty raw if you ask the Preservation Society. Let us pretend for a moment that Liberals and Conservatives understand what they are doing. Let us take at face value that when they vote, they are informed citizens casting the ballot with […]

The Ruling Class and Its Masses, a Visual

Here at the Preservation Society, we are proud of our intellectual independence from the ruling class though we are part of it. We like to draw out the buffoonery of the Liberal and Conservative mainstream and undermine their authority. We have been too successful in herding the masses into a deferential and unquestioning mindset. We […]

The Oxymoron of “Progressive” Democrat

One of the central themes here at the Ruling Class Preservation Society  is to encourage the masses to loosen their idolatry of the established political system. In that vein, it should not be surprising, then, that we should expose and promote opposition to our of our most faithful and successful servants in Barack Obama and […]

Election 2016: The Stupidity Exposed

The We at the Ruling Class Preservation Society are a non-partisan organization. To us, the properly functioning Establishment political parties are in reality conduits that, on the one hand, direct mass support to the ruling class, and on the other hand, respond to diffuse mass discontent. It is a balancing act to be sure. Our […]