Tag: ruling class

“I Can Pay One Half Of The Working Class To Kill The Other Half”

So said Gilded Age robber baron Jay Gould. Watching politics today, one might think divide and conquer was a well kept secret. The masses don’t seem to understand how they are being played, goaded and prodded into fighting each other. The liberal and conservatives herds, oblivious to the manipulation they are subject to, bash their […]

Labels: The Doors of Perception

The label is a wondrous development in the evolution of the ruling class. It is a form of thought that takes away the need for actual thinking. The label, in fact, replaces thinking with its short comforting familiarity of definition tailored to sooth the insecure individual and justify their “thoughts” and “opinions”, while delivering the […]

Ruling Class Axioms

The Ruling Class Observations has distilled the fundamental, universal and common sense principles of all ruling classes and their societies. When a small group of individuals benefits from a significant disparity of material privilege, a ruling class condition exists in society. A ruling class implies widespread poverty. A “healthy” ruling class society means a sick […]

Ego and the Ruling Class

In Common Features of Ruling Class Society We summarize the major features common to all ruling classes, regardless of mode of domination. Indispensable as these qualities are to the existence of a functioning ruling class, the ego of the individual is the key without which those characteristics can not function properly. The individual is the […]

Religious Capitalists vs. Common Sense Capitalists

One of the goals of the Ruling Class Preservation Society is to change the way the masses (and the ruling class) think about capitalism. Hitherto, the Great Institution has bred its subjects to believe that capitalism is a positive good — good for them,  and good to them — and that its negative effects are […]

The Alternate Reality of Michael Kazin vs. the Reality of the Ruling Class Establishment

Michael Kazin, professor of history at Georgetown University, recently wrote an essay for The Nation entitled We Know We Hate the Establishment—but Do We Know What It Is? The article’s tagline tells us, “The vague term obscures where power really lies.” Professor Kazin seems fixated on the idea that the Establishment undefined in precise terms […]

Election Corruption — The Cornerstone of Ruling Class Democracy

From the earliest days of the Republic — of ruling class democracy itself — election corruption has been a vital necessity for ruling class domination. From our perspective in the ruling class, election corruption covers both legal and illegal means of securing power. Whether we employ literacy tests, property requirements, or election fraud, voter purges or […]

The Ruling Class and Its Masses, a Visual

Here at the Preservation Society, we are proud of our intellectual independence from the ruling class though we are part of it. We like to draw out the buffoonery of the Liberal and Conservative mainstream and undermine their authority. We have been too successful in herding the masses into a deferential and unquestioning mindset. We […]

The Oxymoron of “Progressive” Democrat

One of the central themes here at the Ruling Class Preservation Society  is to encourage the masses to loosen their idolatry of the established political system. In that vein, it should not be surprising, then, that we should expose and promote opposition to our of our most faithful and successful servants in Barack Obama and […]

To Support Sanders Or Not, That Is the Question

Among what one might call the “real” Left, as opposed to Liberals and/or Democrats, Bernie Sanders is either a small opening to be exploited or just another straw dog to suck up the people’s energies into ineffective action. Many of them ignore his unusual circumstances as a presidential candidate. Meanwhile they also thought that Wall […]

Can 50 New York Millionaires Make a Difference?

As rank and file Democrats debate whether they want a significant shot at prosperity through public investment with Bernie Sanders or the Obama status quo with Hillary Clinton, 50 New York millionaires, mostly women, wrote an open letter to Governor Andrew Cuomo. They asked to have their taxes raised, saying of our crumbling society: We […]

One Percenter Asher Edelman Supports Bernie Sanders

Asher Edelman, one percenter and inspiration for Gordon Gekko of “Wall Street” movie fame, has endorsed Bernie Sanders for President. Edelman demonstrates the growing concerns of many in the ruling class, and particularly those of us in the Preservation Society, over our increasingly dysfunctional society. Social awareness of the ruling class is important but more […]

Election 2016: The Stupidity Exposed

The We at the Ruling Class Preservation Society are a non-partisan organization. To us, the properly functioning Establishment political parties are in reality conduits that, on the one hand, direct mass support to the ruling class, and on the other hand, respond to diffuse mass discontent. It is a balancing act to be sure. Our […]