Chronicle of a Collapse Foretold (Which Still Doesn’t Have to Happen) Part 2

Everybody saw it coming. It was an open secret for years. Then all of the sudden the human race was blindsided by the novel CV, and the masses forget. Everybody forgot about the economic collapse that was coming and became obsessed with face masks, flattening curves, fantasizing about V-shaped recoveries, and calling the police if […]

Wag the Microbe

Guest Post Where are the patients? #filmmyhospital, #emptyhospitals, #plandemic Reports of empty, ghostlike hospitals have been circulating on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, despite claims all over corporate and mainstream media that hospitals are overwhelmed globally, and in New York City that morgues are overflowing, crematories are working overtime and bodies are being stored in refrigerated […]

Chronicle of a Collapse Foretold (Which Still Doesn’t Have to Happen) Part 1

We are in this social suicide together — Us and . . . you, ruling class and masses. The ruling class unopposed destroys its own foundations in the pursuit of its ruling agenda. This is the failure and perhaps end of the capitalist Rothschild economic system. The ruling class is too dominant, its masses too […]

Viral Gullibility

Guest Post Unfortunately, as the Plandemic exercise, aka World War on a Microbe, continues at a historically head-spinning pace, some of even the enlightened masses have expressed a complete belief in the superstar microbe. Most of these commenters do not deal with scientific specifics. They claim it is a US bioweapon, mainly on the word […]

Plandemic Planet

THE PLAN: LIVING IN LOCKSTEP A Ruling Class Dream Scenario In 2010, in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, the Rockefeller Foundation, one of Our major “philanthropic” organs, convened what is called a “scenario planning exercise” where future events that we may or may not be planning are “gamed”. Ostensibly, future and scenario planning […]

Elections and Viruses

Wikipedia shows 1,266 deaths in Italy attributed to CV on March 13. However, the Italian government’s health authorities at the Higher Institute of Health (istituto superiore di sanità, ISS) reported on March 13 that only 2 cases may allegedly be attributed to CV. Other deaths were accompanied by significant other issues such as elderly people […]

19 Axioms Of Divide And Conquer

A society arranged in a minority/majority paradigm (ie, the Great Disparity) is always accompanied by divide and conquer. A ruling class society is always in a state of divide and conquer. Divide and conquer takes the heat off the ruling class. The form and content of divide and conquer are determined by the Primal Divisions […]

Divide and Conquer In The Age of Collapse

The death throes of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum continues unabated. Does anyone think it really matters who will win the following primaries? Buttigieg, a relative unknown being pushed hard by the establishment, leads Sanders by two delegates thus far. Who in their right mind can believe this? Well played ruling class colleagues. Even if […]

The Great Middle Class Massacre

The Shrinking Middling Class The American middling class has never been a large percentage of the population despite myths of a vast empire of a smart, upwardly mobile middling sort. This was land of milk and honey, where a “man” could, by dint of hard work, rise to be a respectable business owner or professional. […]

The Fight For Reality

In the times of social decay, the differences between establishment “reality” and true reality become acute and starkly visible to anyone who cares to see. The fight for “reality” has never before been on display as it has been the last few years. Reality, fabricated and otherwise, is viewed as differently as there are egos […]

Of Racism Past And Present

A Washington Post opinion bearing the title Dear fellow white people: Here’s what to do when you’re called racist made its appearance recently. It makes a great companion piece to the grotesquely condescending 2015 New York Times opinion piece by George Yancy, Dear White America. The same lessons of subservience being taught in the five […]

To Nazify

To Nazify — To turn one group or faction of society into an existential threat to the rest of it, “requiring” the suppression rights and liberties in order to defeat it. Nazification is a late stage phenomenon of a decaying society. Ever since Trump’s “go back to where you came from” tweet — an obvious […]

“I Can Pay One Half Of The Working Class To Kill The Other Half”

So said Gilded Age robber baron Jay Gould. Watching politics today, one might think divide and conquer was a well kept secret. The masses don’t seem to understand how they are being played, goaded and prodded into fighting each other. The liberal and conservatives herds, oblivious to the manipulation they are subject to, bash their […]